TTC Timeline

After being diagnosed by my OBGYN with a luteal phase defect and low progesterone, which were rectified with Clomid, my RE diagnosed my husband and I in the infamous category of unexplained (undiagnosed?) infertility. Here is our journey thus far:
  • March 2014: stop birth control
  • September 2014: possible chemical pregnancy; start using OPKs
  • October 2014: attempt to monitor basal body temperature, but discover that I am a terrible sleeper and can't get enough hours consecutively to make this happen
  • January 2015: possible chemical pregnancy
  • March 2015: OBGYN visit for annual exam, mentioned trouble TTC, was sent for bloodwork. My anti-mullerian hormone levels look great at 5.17, which is above average for my age group. If we still haven't succeeded by September, at that point they can do some additional testing to see if anything else is going on.
  • August/September 2015: infertility consultation with OBGYN; 
    • bloodwork: progesterone, rubella anti, TSH/T4, blood group; 
    • HSG procedure: tubes were clear, did discover arcuate uterus, but that shouldn't be an issue
    • semen analysis: everything appears normal
  • September 2015: transvaginal ultrasound around day 14 - one large follicle on left side; lining and everything looks great; day 21 progesterone levels came back low (6.5) - diagnosed with luteal phase defect
  • October 2015: Clomid cycle #1 - 50 mg, days 5-9; progesterone went up to 10.3 (BFN)
  • November 2015: Clomid cycle #2 - 50 mg, days 5-9; progesterone stable at 10.7; 29mm follicle on left side; a number of polyps are present, but are very, very small; If polyps remain an issue, we'll go forward with hysteroscopy and D&C for removal (BFN)
  • December 2015: Clomid cycle #3 - 100 mg, days 5-9; three mature follicles (left: 30.9, 25.4, right: 25.9); lining looks excellent, polyps stayed small so no need for surgery at this point; 21 day progesterone was really good at 25!  (BFN)
  • January 2016: as per doctor's orders, we're taking a month off from treatments; continued trying with timed intercourse and OPKs (BFN)
  • February 2016: Clomid cycle #4 - 100 mg, days 5-9; Mucinex days 10-20 (BFN)
  • March 2016: Clomid cycle #5 - 100 mg, days 5-9; Mucinex days 10-20; Sonohysterogram (SHG) shows everything is clear and that I ovulated; progesterone was good at 18.3 (BFN);
  • May 2016: consultation with RE; diagnosed with unexplained infertility; IUI #1 with injectables (Gonal F, CD 3-8: 150 mg) and trigger shot (Ovidrel, CD 11)
  • June 2016: 16 DPIUI HCG beta 151 -- we're pregnant! Scans at 5 and 6 weeks show no baby, diagnosed ectopic, given dose of methotrexate to terminate pregnancy
  • July 2016: emergency laproscopic salpingectomy; left tube ruptured; pregnancy and tube removed during surgery
  • September 2016: HSG to check for scarring post-ectopic - everything looked good
  • September 2016: IUI #2;  injectables (Gonal F, CD 3-5: 150 mg; CD 6-9: 125 mg) -- IUI cancelled due to over-responding to meds; took BCP for 2.5 weeks to calm everything back down
  • October/November 2016: IUI #3; injectables (Gonal F, CD 3-5: 100 mg; CD 6-7: 75 mg) and trigger shot (Ovidrel, CD 8) --BFN
  •  November 2016: IUI #4; another injectables cycle with an Ovidrel trigger -- BFN
  • December 2016: IUI #5 - another injectables cycle with an Ovidrel trigger -- BFN
  • January 2017: IVF consult and start BCP 
  • January/February 2017: IVF cycle with Gonal F, Lupron, Low Dose HCG. Ovidrel trigger shot. 
  • February 14, 2017: Retrieval day!18 eggs retrieved; 14 fertilized! (8 done with ICSI, 100% fertilization; 6 out of 10 fertilized with traditional IVF)
  • February 19, 2017: Transfer day! 2 gorgeous 4+, exceptional quality embryos transferred.  5 high quality embryos frozen. Now we begin the TWW! :)
  • March 2017: BFP! Our IVF worked and we found out we were pregnant with twins! Unfortunately, at 7 weeks we lost Baby B. Even in those few short weeks, we fell so in love and will always hold a place in our hearts for that sweet baby. Baby A is doing well and we're over the moon excited to meet her.
  • October 6, 2017: Baby A was born at 35 weeks 2 days. I had gone into labor at 31 weeks 6 days and was put on bed rest until delivery. We are so happy that we were able to keep her  cooking just a little bit longer. She spent her first 16 days in the NICU as a feeder and grower. She came home from the hospital on my 36th birthday and it was the best gift ever. We are so in love!

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